Black Flame Bearer

birds will fly from the tree...

when i see you lie on the floor,
and the sky fade with blood,
on dismay of black hope...

last of us, make a choice, and close the doors,
so we may never look back, to the love that went lost...

so trembling, fuzzy, fighting, it can´t never been reach,
you again for all that is dead, allready dead, eternally suppressed,

and now, we live like shadows,
smiling, lurking, all the way of sins,
but we are all bore, and rotten to the core, and nothing,
nothing fulfill this dream, our empty space...

but i know somehow, we´ll rise with no regrets,
and lean to the black sun, upheave the dark veil
master the void of chaos, the empty soil of existence...

it´s just, a matter of time.

"Magus S, a Black Flame bearer"


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